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Invest Like a Psychopath

A lawyer by trade and author of the book Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight, Jamie breaks down the common misconceptions of psychopathy, and how it intersects with her financial behaviors.

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Carl’s guest this week holds one of the more unique relationships with money you will ever hear. Jamie is a diagnosed psychopath, but the word doesn’t mean what you think. Psychopathy is a neurological disorder, similar to narcissistic personality disorder, and as you’ll soon discover, it has allowed Jamie to treat money with a logic that we could all learn from (example: she maxed out her retirement account at the age of 30)!

A lawyer by trade and author of the book Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight, Jamie breaks down the common misconceptions of the disorder,  and how it intersects with her financial behaviors. She describes how she compartmentalizes her money and how her heightened sense of impulsivity has helped her to make smart money decisions from a very early age. It turns out, having a lack of emotional connection to money is a key factor in being more responsible and with it, and Jamie will help you see it in a completely different way.

Conversation Starter 

Share this week's conversation starter with your colleagues, clients, family, or friends to help spark 1 million conversations about money a month: 

  • Pay attention to the moments where you felt challenged or surprised by something that Jamie said in this episode, and then describe it to a family member, friend, or someone you're close with.

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