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Another Side of Downtown Josh Brown

Downtown Josh Brown offers a rare, personal glimpse into the moments that molded his financial perspective and approach to life.

Discussion Resource

Josh Brown is a financial advisor known for his insights on CNBC and as the co-host of "The Compound and Friends" podcast with Michael Batnick. He’s had thousands of conversations about money over the years, but none quite like this one. Josh offers a rare, personal glimpse into the moments that molded his financial perspective and approach to life, like the hidden financial struggles his parents shielded him from and the critical role of financial literacy, something he learned the value of later in life.

Conversation Starter 

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  • What is your earliest memory of money? I heard this question on @50FiresPodcast with Carl Richards and @downtownjoshbrown this week and realized that it doesn't take much to have a really great question about money - it just takes a decent question. What would you learn if you asked your closest friend or family member what their earliest memory of money is?

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